sooooooooo guess what? Everything is officially official....officially.
Now is the time to Preorder The Towers on Amazon!!!!
You can find the print version here
and the ebook version here
Pretty crazy right?
Let me tell you all a little story....
Seven years ago back in 2008, I wrote a short story for a friend's birthday gift about her in the future saving a place called The Towers. She loved it. Two years later, I entered that story in a contest. Of course, I didn't win the damn thing but the response to it was I thought why not turn it into a real book?
A little while after that, I had something cool. Something I could be proud of. I had no idea what to do with it because I never thought that publishing was a possibility for me. But then my amazing cousin Mary Gibbs turned me onto a small press called World Castle Publishing to which I sent my finished little sci-fi baby. After not hearing back from the other places, I was getting worried that nobody would pick my story up.
Until I got the email asking me if I was interested in a contract with World Castle.
And now, a year after I got that email The Towers is ready to grace the world!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your help along the way, everyone. I am so incredibly grateful of all of you who have lent me a hand over the years whether you were one of my trusty beta readers or someone who just simply liked my page. You are all amazing.
Still want to help me out?
-buy an ebook version of The Towers
-like/share my facebook page
-write on my facebook page wall
-share the amazon link
-start/comment on a discussion on The Towers amazon page
-write a review after the book release
-tell your friends!
The best thing anyone can do for me is drum up interest!
Once again, I wouldn't be where I am now without all of your help. Thank you.
Much love,