On Pinterest!

Ahoy there!
So I've been moseying around the pinterest land for quite a while now. Until yesterday, all I did was waste time pinning cute clothes, cool DIY projects that I (lets face it) would never do, and probably ineffective life hacks.


I started a new board that was a little more productive called "writing" (duh.)

This one is pretty cool because it includes all kinds of inspirations for characters, places, houses, cars, clothes, hobbies...all of it!

Some of the notes are rather confusing (because nothing would ever be a surprise for you if they were understandable) but you will be able to get a glance at some of my brainstorming and musings for some of my works in progress.

checkity check it out!

For those of you wondering, The Towers is still hanging out on the editing room floor at the publishers waiting patiently for someone to come along and give it some love.
I know, I am totally anxious and sweating bullets here myself waiting for it to pick back up again.
Soon, my lovelies!!!!
