Beach Bummin'

Ello chaps!

Just sittin' here in the beach house overlooking the B-E-AUTIFUL lake Michigan as I write this. No big deal, yo.
Hoping to get some serious novel-ing done this evening. I've been struggling a bit lately and I'm hoping some vacation time will get the creative juices a flowin'.
I'm also having a blast at my new job at Interlochen Arts Camp! Its been pretty chill and all the people I've met are amazing and just bursting with creativity. Its awesome to surround myself with people like that who can mutually inspire each other in their own art form.

Anywho, I'm done with my copy editor, Brieanna (who was totally awesome, by the way) and I am now waiting to hear from the proofers for round two! Hopefully the new novel will be hittin' the shelves soon!

okay, brb, going to the beach now......

writing the old fashion way on the beach :)