
Hey guys! Hows it hangin'? 
I've got some pretty stellar new...
At 95,336 words, I've finished my first draft of The Towers! How exciting is that??? Okay, maybe not so much for you as it is for me, but still, its the longest novel that I've started (and completed) so far and I am incredibly happy with the way it ended. Well, not "happy" its a pretty sad one, if i do say so myself. 

So, Natalie, now that you're done whats up next on that long to do list of yours? 

Well, I'm glad you asked! First, I'm going to celebrate with a glass of cranberry juice and a giant spoonful of cookie dough straight from the tub. Then, I'm going to get cracking on a second draft with editing and tweaking and all that super fun stuff. Lastly, I am going to cross my fingers and do a rain dance as I send the final draft to a publisher I had my eye on for a while. 
Here's hoping they pick it up!!!



  1. Congratulations and felicitations! Does your publisher take query letters or are they old school with the slush pile?

  2. Hi Elly!
    the two publishing houses I want to send it to are smaller so they take a cover letter along with a full copy of the manuscript.
